In Memory

Delane Looney

Delane Looney

Delane Looney passed away on August 14, 2010 in Irving, Texas.  She is survived by her son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.

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09/25/10 09:40 AM #1    

Cathy Rodgers (O'Keefe-Regan)

Delane and I were best friends all through High School. I just found her again a couple of months ago on facebook, and now she is gone. I will truly miss her.


09/26/10 02:59 PM #2    

Cindi (Cynthia) Dixon

I remember Delane from high school. She was always sweet to me & had a smile on her face. I was so jealous of all her 'big' hair!

We had recently connected on Facebook. Delane was too young to go. She will be missed.

Love, Cynthia

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